Thursday, April 2, 2009

Well, THAT was a FIRST!

I'm pathetic. Seriously. I am. Its ok though, I have come to terms with's all good.
This morning, Big Boy had to be at school at 7:45 a.m. And you say, 'why is that such a big deal?' Let me tell you why its a big deal. Big Boy has attended this same school since he was 4. He is now 13. You do the math. NINE LONG YEARS. Did I mention that I am not a morning person? At all. So, the bell rings for class to start at 8:20 a.m. Yeah, since Pre School, I have been the mom that comes flying into the parking lot, saying my I love you's and have a nice day's all while telling him not to forget bags, jackets, approximately 8:19. It is what it is. I've tried to change that and it normally doesn't matter how early we get up and get around, we NEVER MAKE IT TO SCHOOL EARLY.
Fast forward to today. WE MADE IT TO SCHOOL EARLY!!!! YAY, ME!!! I had to walk in with Little Girl to give School Secretary her pink eye drops. I asked her to please write this moment down somewhere. I have NEVER made it to school this early. EVER!!! I WAS SOOOO EXCITED!!!!
Yeah, I know you are thinking how pathetic. Don't you dare judge me. ;)


  1. I would NEVER judge your face. lol

    Good job! I'm not a morning person either. My dog woke me up at 8:30 this morning and I was NOT a happy puppy-momma.

  2. I'm am SO proud of you!! early??? You've never been early for ANYTHING. As mom always says, You'll be late for your own funeral.

  3. I am late to EVERYTHING! Same way...doing the love you's and don't forget's at the same time as shoving Bear outta the car. I even make special efforts to NOT be late, and I still am. Oh well.
