Thursday, April 9, 2009


me+fire=PANIC. i dont like fire. so i guess its a really bad thing that our entire state is BURNING UP. my uncle is an emergency manager in a county a few away from ours...when asked on the 6 o'clock news if there was ANYTHING they could do for him...for his county...for his firefighters....his answer was one very simple, but POWERFUL word. PRAY.
with that being said....please lift our Oklahoma firefighters, Emergency Managers, other leaders as well as the people who being affected....our friends, our neighbors and our families. everyone will know someone who has been affected.

1 comment:

  1. Did his answer come before or after James Brown screamed out from his cell phone?

    Sorry, since everything is "okay" now, I figure it's okay to make jokes. Right? :o)

    Love you!
