Saturday, May 23, 2009

Catching up!

You know if I'd be more faithful about blogging, I wouldnt have to catch you up on a months worth of junk in one post. haha.
I've been laying in bed for the last 36 hours. The only time I have actually been up was when I took the beaten trail to the bathroom. I have thrown up so much, my ribs hurt. I am sore. I hate the stomach flu. Big Boy has had it since Sunday....on and off. I ended up with it and then last night at ball practice, Little Girl tossed some Ramen Noodles. The Hub has been walking around the house with the mega monster can of Lysol. He's used over half of it in under 12 hours. He does not want it. I do not blame him.
Ok, so on a happier Mom has been wanting a tattoo for years. So, the other day I mentioned that I wanted another one. Basically it boiled down to, "I will if you will...." Yeah, well, Mom and I both got cross tattoo's on our wrists day before yesterday. YAY!! Funny thing..I asked her if she told Sis and she said she hadnt. So I send Sis a pic of the bald headed tattoo guy leaning over mom inking her with the caption..."Momma got ink".....Sis sends back...WTF???!! Yeah, funny stuff!
Ok, so this is sad....I cant think of anything funny to tell you....its been an entire month and I got nothing. Blah.

I figure since I dont have much...I could go back to Slang Word O' The Day!!
And this word is very fitting since it IS a holiday weekend....DRUMROLL PLEASE:
btrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, DONG!

Rescue Chip

A rescue chip is the chip you use to fish the bits and pieces out of the first one you overloaded and busted in the dip......

And used in a sentence:

"My tortilla chip busted when I tried to load it with extra salsa so I had to get a rescue chip to recover the pieces."

Have a fabulous Memorial Weekend friends :)