Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Its my Burfday!

Yeah, I can hardly believe I am THIRTY TWO. WOW!! 8 more years and I will be the big 4-0. WOW! How time flies.
Ok, yeah. I am such a liar. I am 38. 2 more years and I am knock-knock-knocking on Heaven's door.........

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My poor neighbor

Yeah, so, its taken me a few days to even be able to say this, much less write this. I'm pretty sure my neighbor next door saw me stark raving nekkid on Saturday. Yep, the poor fella....I'm sure his eyes are still burning 3 days later.
And so you say, "Dawned, what on earth were you doing for your neighbor to see you sans clothes".....and my reply is simply......I was home alone with Little Girl...she was sacked out on the couch...I took a shower, walked into the kitchen to get clothes out of the dryer....what did it hurt?? Its my house, I can walk around in the buff if I so choose. I normally just don't choose to. So any way, I turn around from the dryer to see NEIGHBOR and NEIGHBORS GRANDKIDS playing in their backyard in the rain. WHO THE H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS plays outside in the rain?!! Straight shot into my kitchen.......there is no way neighbor COULDNT have seen me. Yeah, the doof Im married to had left the BLINDS WIDE OPEN. So, its kinda his fault. Yeah, definately kinda his fault.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I woke up 15 minutes early this morning, (YAY ME!) to the sound of thunder off in the distance...there was a cool breeze and my blankets were nice and cozy. Perfect sleeping weather.
D*#! job always gets in the way of my sleep.
But on a happier note...THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY!!!! :) :) :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

OHHHHHH I forgot to tell you

Remember the April Fools Day incident with Little Girls friend?? Saying "Dawned" is preggo?!
WELLLLL...apparently cute little 7 yr old friend of Little Girl went to school and TOLD everyone we know at school her little 'joke'...... LOL I show up for the Easter Party last week and they were ALL STILL LAUGHING about it.
I still dont get it...why she gotta pick on me?? I will get the little pretty, oh yes, I will.........

Facebook Whore

Hello, My name is "Dawned" and I am a FB Whore. I can't help it. I have had my FB since before it was cool and for some reason, I am totally addicted. Maybe its because this year is my 20th HS Reunion and I have gotten back in touch with a buttload of my classmates through FB, IDK. But I know that if i check it once, I check it a hundred times a day. I hate that stupid application for my bberry. Makes it too easy.
Please be in prayer for me that I overcome my addiction. If I knew the 12 steps, I'd try em, I don't, so I'm gonna just 'wing it'....
ha ha ha ha ha

Thursday, April 9, 2009


me+fire=PANIC. i dont like fire. so i guess its a really bad thing that our entire state is BURNING UP. my uncle is an emergency manager in a county a few away from ours...when asked on the 6 o'clock news if there was ANYTHING they could do for him...for his county...for his firefighters....his answer was one very simple, but POWERFUL word. PRAY.
with that being said....please lift our Oklahoma firefighters, Emergency Managers, other leaders as well as the people who being affected....our friends, our neighbors and our families. everyone will know someone who has been affected.


I'm fixing to go get my hair 'did'....I.CANT.WAIT. It looks like poo. I realized how bad the color looked yesterday when one of the service techs came by my office and he said, wow, 'dawned', i didnt know you had gray in your hair. Don't think I didnt get up and haul some serious butt to the huge mirror in the loo with tweezers in hand...NO GRAY FOR ME, NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Just because I will be celebrating the 17th anniversary of my 21st birthday in two weeks doesnt mean jack.

Monday, April 6, 2009

He's driving me crazy!

The Hub is getting on my nerves. Seriously. I am sitting here minding my own biznass, checking out some blogs, getting my Facebook and Myspace updates and he wont.shut.up.
I repeat, HE WONT SHUT UP. He has yesterday's newspaper and is going through them. THE COUPONS to be exact. Looking at every single item asking me if I use it. Did i mention, EVERY SINGLE COUPON, he asks me if I use 'this or that'?! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Sure, we should buy those fish sticks that are a buck off. WE DONT EAT THEM, but, hey, if Im gonna save a buck, might outta try em.......
He says he's just trying to save us some cashola. And while I think thats real sweet, IF WE DONT NORMALLY USE IT, WHY BUY IT JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN SAVE A QUARTER???!!!
I dont like the word "COUPON"...especially when you hear granny calling them a "CUE-PUN"..JEEZ, I'm from Oklahoma, its a "COOOOO-PON".
Ok, I think its time for me to take my pms'ing tail to the bathtub and on to bed. Maybe he can take his coupons, go to the store and buy those fishsticks for him and the kids for supper........

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Well, THAT was a FIRST!

I'm pathetic. Seriously. I am. Its ok though, I have come to terms with's all good.
This morning, Big Boy had to be at school at 7:45 a.m. And you say, 'why is that such a big deal?' Let me tell you why its a big deal. Big Boy has attended this same school since he was 4. He is now 13. You do the math. NINE LONG YEARS. Did I mention that I am not a morning person? At all. So, the bell rings for class to start at 8:20 a.m. Yeah, since Pre School, I have been the mom that comes flying into the parking lot, saying my I love you's and have a nice day's all while telling him not to forget bags, jackets, approximately 8:19. It is what it is. I've tried to change that and it normally doesn't matter how early we get up and get around, we NEVER MAKE IT TO SCHOOL EARLY.
Fast forward to today. WE MADE IT TO SCHOOL EARLY!!!! YAY, ME!!! I had to walk in with Little Girl to give School Secretary her pink eye drops. I asked her to please write this moment down somewhere. I have NEVER made it to school this early. EVER!!! I WAS SOOOO EXCITED!!!!
Yeah, I know you are thinking how pathetic. Don't you dare judge me. ;)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Its been a while, huh?! Well, i had nothing better to do today than STAY HOME WITH LITTLE GIRL, who not only has ONE PINK EYE, but TWO!!! Loverly. Thought I better make the most of my time at home, doing nuf-fing and take a little vacay through blog land!
I am almost Hannah Montana'd out today. If I have to hear one more episode, I MAY GO POSTAL!
I got a really funny phone call this morning at 730am from a friend of mine laughing at what her 7 yr old (who also happens to be Little Girls BFF) Friends LG says to Friend, "Mom, DH(ME!) is going to have a baby!!" To which Friend says, "No, I dont think so....
" and Friends LG is just insistant on ME HAVING A BABY. Dear Sweet 7lb baby Jesus in a Manger.....
Finally Friends Little Girl says APRIL FOOLS MOMMY!!! ISNT THAT FUNNY?!?!?!!!!
Why ME?! Why'd she have to pick on me??!! Its not like she doesnt have like 10 aunts she could have picked on. Nooooooooooooooooooo, she has to pick on ME. Hopefully the conversation that happened at their house STAYED at their house!! Oh and did I mention the call was AT 730 AM ON A DAY I DIDNT HAVE TO TAKE LITTLE GIRL TO SCHOOL?!! ;)