Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stupid Wrist & Farmer Snorts

My wrist hurts. Yeah, maybe because i have a cyst on it, BLAH!! I finally realized how bad it was this a.m., when I went to put the Lil Chic's hair up in a ponytail and found that my left hand was actually not doing what it was suppose to do. Put in a call to the ortho surgeon....so I guess we will go from there.
On to bigger and better things though....the moment I KNOW you have been waiting for:
Todays word is....can i get a drum roll please.....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, DING! Farmer Snort
The act of plugging a nostril with one finger while blowing out the other one in order to discharge nasal goop on the ground. EW. Kinda makes me puke in my mouth!!
Used in a sentence: "I thought he was rude and crude when he farted in front of me, but realized how nasty he really was when he sneezed and farmer snorted."
Again, I think this is usually a 'move' performed by men.....go figure!!


  1. I did throw up a little in my mouth but nonetheless, very funny!

    Sorry about the key thing. I swear, having kids really and truly kills brain cells. I'm thoroughly convinced.

    That needs to be a SOTD-something pertaining to scatterbrain-ness and kids...hmmmm

  2. WTH is up with your wrist? Surgery? You don't tell me anything...
