Saturday, February 21, 2009

Anesthesia Paranoia

Well, I am definately having surgery on the ole wrist on Wednesday. Yes, Something, I said Wednesday. Yeah, I bout crapped too...... they 'never' move that quick on anything, so I wasn't really expecting to get in before, oh, say, i dont know....SUMMER TIME?!!!
To say the least, I.HATE.ANESTHESIA. (Ha! Im thinking Im not as good of a speller as Lil Chic!!) Any way, back to the feel good meds. I don't like to go to sleep. I have the hardest time waking up. When I had an emergency c-section with Lil Chic, it was like 8 in the a.m.....I dont think I woke up until sometime that afternoon. Don't like it....just sayin'.......
And another thing that makes me paranoid..........I'm a 'fluffy' girl. Definately got some meat on these bones. HOW DO I KNOW when I'm TOTALLY OUT if they are making fun of the love handles?!! You KNOW they do. Or poking on the fat just to watch it jiggle!!
But you also know they see some freaky shiz in the O.R. I don't have any freaky piercings or tattoos, just the fat. Maybe they will show mercy on my totally knocked out soul. : (
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh! and dont you despair, I PROMISE to make sure you get your SOTD!!! Would NEVER let ya down like that!! :)

TODAYS WORD IS................................................Prostitot

Defined as an obviously underage girl who dresses like a ho.

Im thinking you have probly SEEN someone who fits this description and can come up with your own "used in a sentence!"
My son is 13.....I see PROSTITOTS everytime I go to his school.........

1 comment:

  1. WEDNESDAY? Did you say WEDNESDAY? What the heck is that about? How long will you be off work? Don't worry about anaste-....annaste-...anna's tezia (you're not the only one that can't spell it). And they won't be poking at you (literally or jokingly). Believe me, they could be looking at a lot worse. Love you, sis.

    Oh, and love the word prostitot. That is effing hilarious.
