Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Slang o' the day

Ive decided on days that I have nothing to say, I will share 'Slang o' the day'....should be fun for us all...... Even on days I DO have a little sum somethin to say, I will still share good slang. You never know when you might be in the situation that you need to use it. Read it. Learn it. Practice it. Use it. LOVE IT!

Todays SOTD......... COIN WANKING. Defined as the act of carressing or fondling change held in the pocket of a pair of pants. Usually performed by men. (go figure)
Used in a sentence: "I was talking to my boss in the hall today, but couldn't hear a word he said over the 'COIN WANKING'.

Hope this term will be most useful.....have a FABULOUS WEDNESDAY!!!!


  1. You're funny!! I see people coin wanking all the time downtown. But they're actually just wanking. No coins.
